
plasma Network Ltd is a specialized supplier of Mobile phones (GSM and CDMA), Video Games , Apple Ipods , Iphone , Laptops and Games PIONEER CDJ, GUITAR, CAMCORDER .With high quality products, best service and good reputation, we have won a great support from customers, and become stronger and more powerful. Therefore, the scale has been expanded, and we now have our own Trading Branch Offices. Specifically, we can supply Mobile phones (GSM and CDMA), Video Games , Apple Ipods , Iphone , HTC, Nokia / Sony Ericsson. E-Mail---plasmanetwork@go PR IEC LIST IN THE STOCK NOKIA PHONE Nokia N97 32GB ....$400usd Nokia n96 16 Gb : $300usd. Nokia N95 8gb........$250 Nokia n81 8gb .....$220 Nokia N80...........$130 Nokia 8600 LunaEmbarassed250 Nokia E90 .....$220USD Nokia E61i.....$160USD.. Nokia N93.......$160USD Nok ia N92.......$130USD Nokia N95 ......$220USD Nokia N91.......$200USD Nokia N90.......$80USD Noki a N70.......$100USD Nokia N73.......$150USD Nokia N71.......$120USD Nokia 8800.......$150USD Nok ia 8800 Sirocco..$200USD Nokia 7710.......$145USD Nokia 7610.......$120usd No kia 9300......$145USD Nokia 9500......$170USD Nokia N93i.......$220USD. Nokia N75.......$200USD. Nokia N76........$220USD. Nokia N800.....$200USD. Apple Iphone 3G 16GB.......$350USD Apple Iphone 3G 8GB.........$300USD Apple Iphone 4GB........$250USD PIONEER CDJ:- NEW PIONEER CDJ-1000 MP3 MK3 PLAYER=========$450 NEW PIONEER CDJ-800 MP3 MK3 PLAYER =========$320 NEW PIONEER CDJ-1000 MP3 MK2 PLAYER=========$300 NEW PIONEER CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER==========$280 NE W PIONEER DJM 1000====================== ==$700 NEW PIONEER DJM 800=========================$600 NE W PIONEER DJM 600======================= ==$500 NEW Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD======================$700 2x PIONEER CDJ-1000MK3 & 1x DJM-800 MIXER DJ PACKAGE========$1000 Pioneer CDJ-1000 CD Player==================$350 Pione er CMX-3000 Twin CD Player=============$ 250 Pioneer CDJ-800 CD Player===================$300 Pione er CDJ-1000MK2=========================$ 340 Pioneer CDJ-800MK2================= =========$320 Pione er CDJ-1000mk2=========================$ 280 Pioneer CDJ-1000MK3================ =========$350 Pione er CDJ-500 CD-Player===================$ 200 Pioneer DJM-1000=================== =========$470 Pione er DJM-800=============================$ 320 Pioneer DJM-600 Mixer=======================$200 Pione er DJM-3000 19 Mixer==================$ 210 Pioneer DJM-600-S Mixer=====================$250 Pione er DJM-909 Battle Mixer================$ 220 Technics SL-1200MK2================ =========$200 Tec hnics SL-DZ 1200======================== =$220 Technics SL-1210M5G Pro Turntable===========$240 Tec hnics SL-1210MK5 Pro Turntable===========$210 Technics SH- MZ1200 4 Channel DJ Mixer======$200 Den on DN-D4500 Pro DJ Dual CD/MP3 Player====$300 Denon DN-D9000================= =============$300 D enon DN-D6000=========================== ===$450 Denon DN S3500 (CD player)==================$200 D enon DN S5000 (CD player)=============== ===$200 Denon DN X1500s (Mixer)=====================$200 D enon DN-HD2500========================== ===$300 Pioneer EFX-1000 Pro-Effector===============$280 Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD Player============== =====$580 Pioneer DVJ-1000============= ===============$500 Pioneer VSW-1 Video Switcher================$150 Pioneer DMP-555 MultiMedia Player===========$270 Pioneer DJ DVD TURNTABLE DE DVJ-X1==========$620 E -Mail---plasmanetwor GIBSON Gibs on Cascade LC-1 $700 Gibson L75 30 s $600 Gibson J-185 EC Soundhole pickup $800 Gibson L4A $750 Gibson Gospel $650 Gibson L3 circa 1923 $680 Gibson CL-30 $500 Gibson J-150 Rosewood $900 Gibson Advanced Jumbo $800 GUILD Guild D40 $500 Guild D35 $450 Guild D60 $700 Guild RF47RCE $550 Guild F30 $350 Guild D25 $300 Guild F45-CE 530 MARTIN Martin SPD-16K $600 Martin D12-28 $700 Martin 00-15 $500 Martin D-12 $450 Martin JC-16 RGTE $700 Martin JC-16WE 750 Martin DR $400 Martin 000-16 K2 $800 Martin D-16GT $500 Martin MC-28 Custom $900 Martin B-1 BASS $650 TAYLOR Taylor 510 $700 Taylor 415 CE $850 Taylor 454 CE $650 Taylor T5-C1 $800 Taylor Doyle Dykes $900 Taylor 314-CE $600 Taylor GSME $700 Taylor W10-CE $850 Taylor NS-34CE $600 Taylor NS-44 $550 Taylor 310CE $500 Taylor 310 S/H $500 Taylor 510 2002 $740 Taylor 510 2000 $700 LARRIVEE Larrive e L-10 $800 Larrivee L-09E $600 Larrivee SD-50 $600 Larrivee LV-05 $500 Larrivee OMV-10 $800 Larrivee L-05 $500 Larrivee LV-10 $750 Larrivee L-03R $450 Larrivee D-30K $400 Larrivee OM-3 $400 WILDWOOD Wildwoo d Soloist Tree of Life Inlay $850 Wildwood Heirloom $800 Wildwood Artist $850 Wildwood Paragon $900 Wildwood Troubadour open back $820 Wildwood Balladeer Openback Tree of Life inlay $950 FENDER Fender Telecaster 1978 Original Sunburst $700 Fender Telecaster Deluxe Cherry Red $500 Fender Telecaster Deluxe Plus 3 Pickups Sunburst $500 Fender Telecaster Deluxe 3 Pickups Blue $500 Fender Ash Telecaster $400 Fender Telecaster Usa Std Black $450 Fender Telecaster Usa Std White $450 GRETSCH Gretsch Jet firebird $500 Gretsch 6120 (1960) New $700 Gretsch 6120 Left Hand $800 Gretsch rancher Mod 6-22 $600 Gretsch Malcom Young $550 Gretsch White Falcon D/cut $850 Gretsch 6122-58 Country classic %700 NATIONAL Natio nal Polychrome Tricone (Volcanic Ash $800 National Polychrome Tricone $600 National Delphi Volcanic ash $750 National Delphi Frosted Duco$ 800 National Tricone One $800 interested buyer should contact us on our email: m for more information. Regards Sale s Manager Steavan Moore

Anuncio ID: #530055
Publicado el: 10-08-2009
Ver anuncios de plasmanetwork


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