Brand new Apple i Phone 4G 32GB????.$350 USD
We import and export different types of mobile phones, All brand new, well packed and sealed in original company box, unlocked with 1 year warranty.. * NOTE: These phones are 100% unlocked and can be used with any SIM card. No activation required (see carrier frequency requirements) Insert the SIM card and start using the phone. telsalesmanager@hotma telsalesma +4 47045719819. Buy 3 units and get 1 units FREE for any product you buy. Buy 5 units and get 2 units FREE for any product you buy. Brand New NOKIA N8 silvers and green===$300 usd Brand new Apple i Phone 4G 32GB????.$350 USD Brand new Apple i Phone 4G 16GB????.$300 USD Brand new Apple i Phone 3GS 32GB????.$250 USD Brand new Apple i Phone 3GS 16GB????.$200 USD APPLE IPAD 3G 64GB??.$350 USD. Brand New HTC Google Nexus One Unlocked ??..$280 usd Brand New NOKIA X6 16GB AND N900. Brand New NOKIA N97 32GB $200 usd Brand New Nokia C6 $250 usd Brand New NOKIA N97 MINI. $230 usd Nokia 5800 XpressMusic $180 usd Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1 $200 usd Samsung S8500 Wave===$270 usd PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW
Anuncio ID: #659264
Publicado el: 14-08-2010
Ver anuncios de telsalesmanager
- Tipo de venta:A la Compra
- Estado:Excelente
350.00 $