Bouza International Lawyers based in Spain
Debt Recovery; E.U. Law, Abuse of dominant position, Agreements taken by business associations, State aid, Freedom of movement of persons, goods, services and capitals;External trade, Investments in the European Union; Proceedings before the European Ombudsman, Court of Justice of the European Communities, the Court of First Instance and the Civil Service Tribunal.; International Separation/ Divorce; Pensions &Wills from other countries; Immigration Law: residence & work permit; family reunification; visa exemptions;nationality files; Oil & Energy ; International town planning-housing sector; Estate Probate; Purchasing a property in Spain; Tax Law in Spain and EU Tax legislation; International maritime litigation- Admiralty; Maritime trade; drafting and negotiation of international contracts; legal advice on external trade;international lawsuits and arbitration; proceedings before the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg); International Criminal Offences and Law. Patent and Trade Mark; ; Accidents; Enforcement of Foreign Judgements. On-line enquiries: http://www.bouzainternational-lawyers .eu/english/consulta s.htm (50 euros VAT incl.). E-mail address: Tel: 0034986442072
Anuncio ID: #440139
Publicado el: 07-02-2009
Ver anuncios de infobouzainternational-lawyers
- Tipo de venta:A la Compra
- Estado:Excelente
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