We own an investment
We own an investment in a state of conservation in the Danube Delta, Romania (Eastern Europe), on an area of 736 ha (1.819 acres). We are looking for tourism, agriculture or aquaculture companies to buy or to associate.The Danube Delta is situated in the SE part of Romania, and it has outlet to the Black Sea through three navigable arms Sulina, Chilia and Sf. Gheorghe. This outstanding natural habitat includes a big variety of wild species of birds and fish and also mammals like minks, otters, boars and evan wild cats, which makes from this piece of land the perfect oasis for you to relax and enjoy the nature. More details on www.ecoturism-delta-dunarii.ro/en or at +40 733 00 00 33. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8YtIGlLG50&list=UUXXx3DeWP206YhlXgLPYO0QPágina web: