Anuncios Patrocinados
3Gs APPLE IPHONE 32GB @ 300, NOKIA N97 32GB @ 260, APPLE IPAD 32GB @ 350
Ver anuncios de salesaisiadeal
You are welcome to our company, with many years of experience in trade and services of mobile phones, computers and musical instruments. Our company s privilege to introduce itself as a quality and customer-oriented company serving a number of prestigious clients around the world. we deal with the real quality mobile phones, computers and musical instruments for many years, and we will never be real to our customers. Warranty and return policy: ============================ === Each purchase of our product, comes with 2-year international warranty from the manufacturer, and our products are first class, tested and approved by global standard organization of wireless industries. Your satisfaction is our goal. Any product that you order from our company, comes with a 90-days return policy, which means that you are entitled to return any purchase of our products or if you are not satisfied with the product within 90days prompt and courteous exchange or refund, what ever you want, please note that the item be returned in its original condition. Bellow are the price list of other products we have in stock : Nokia Phones: N Series: ======= Nokia N900 32gb ====== 350 ? Nokia N800====== 280 ? Nokia N97 32gb====== 250 ? Nokia N96 16gb ====== 150? Nokia N95 8gb========= 100 ? E Series: ====== Nokia E75=========150 ? Nokia E50=========60 ? Nokia E51=======50 ? Nokia E90=========250 ? Apple Iphones and ipods: ================== Apple ipad 32GB===============350? Apple iPhone 3GS 32GB ======== 300 ? Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB ======== 270 ? Apple iphone 3G 16gb ============= 200 ? Apple iphone 3G 8gb ============= 150 ? Samsung phones: ============ Samsung i8910 Omnia HD=== 250 ? Samsung SCH=C220======150 ? Samsung F700==========150? Samsung F480 Tocco=====120 ? Samsung Omnia 16GB==== 170 ? Samsung P520 Giorgio Armani=== 200 ? Samsung F480 Tocco Gold====== 230 ? Sony Ericsson phone: =============== Sony Ericcson Idou ======== 300 ? Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1======= 150 ? Sony Ericsson K750i ======= 130 ? Sony Ericsson P800 ======== 150 ? Sony Ericsson P900 ======== 160 ? Sony Ericsson P910 ========= 180 ? Sony Ericsson P990i ========200 ? Blackberry phones: ============== Blackbe rry 9530 Storm============ 210 ? BlackBerry Bold 9000======= 200 ? BlackBerry Pearl 8120 ======= 150 ? BlackBerry Curve 8310 ======= 180 ? Blackberry Curve 8320======== 120 ? HTC phones: HTC Berly Jade========== 300 ? HTC Touch Dimond 2 ======250 ? HTC G1================ 170 ? HTC MAX 4G============320 ? HTC Touch HD===========280 ? HTC Touch Diamond=====170 ? HTC Touch Pro========== 200 ? **************************** ******************** *********** Ema il: Website============ = Tell: ===============+60163210 951, +60193824685 Tell=============== ==+447732531445 Live Chat Use the Live Chat function to chat online with one of our customer service representatives. MSN: SKYPE ::asiadeal1 YAHOO:: asiadeal1 Gtalk: asiadeal1 We will beat any genuine internet price Finance Available to over 18s 5th Floor, Wisma Dani, No.1, Jalan Jejaka 4, Taman Maluri, Cheras, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tipo de venta: A la Compra
Estado: Excelente
Estado: Excelente