
We are a Suplier of DJ and Musical Equipment at a Very Good Prices, We Sell in Whole sale and Retail prices, Our head Office is in JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA, We also have a Branch Office in ENGLAND, UNITED KINGDOM, Our Products are Original , Brand New, Unlocked with Full accesories, if you are buying more than one Equipment, We Give Discount. PIONEER CDJ PRODUCTS AND DJ EQUIPMENT 2x PIONEER CDJ-1000MK3 & 1x DJM-800 MIXER DJ PACKAGE.....$2000 Pione er CDJ-1000 CD Player.......$650 Pionee r CMX-3000 Twin CD Player...$470 Pionee r CDJ-800 CD Player........$450 Pioneer CDJ-1000MK2...............$640 Pioneer CDJ-800MK2.................$420 Pionee r CDJ-1000mk2...............$500 Pionee r CDJ-1000MK3..............$650 PIONEER CDJ PRODUCTS AND DJ EQUIPMENT Pioneer CDJ-500 CD-Player.......$650 Technics SL-1200MK2...............$280 Technics SL-DZ 1200.................$450 Techni cs SL-1210M5G Pro Turntable.. .$480 Technics SL-1210MK5 Pro Turntable ...$400 Technics SH-MZ1200 4 Channel DJ Mixer.........$370 Denon DN-D4500 Pro DJ Dual CD/MP3 Player...$400 Denon DN-D9000.....................$700 Denon DN-D6000.....................$50 0 Denon DN S3500 (CD player)....$400 Denon DN S5000 (CD player)....$520 Denon DN X1500s (Mixer).........$510 Denon DN-HD2500 ..................$400 Pioneer EFX 1000 Effects Processor ..$500 Pioneer DVJ-1000...............$1000 Pion eer VSW-1 Video Switcher ..$260 pioneer AVIC F900BT....$420usd Pioneer DVJ X1 DVD Turntable ......$1600 Robe ColorWash 575 AT Moving Yoke DMX Lighting Fixture...$2, 500 Pioneer AVIC-HD3-II - 2 Din HDD Navigation (2008 Model]..$750usd SPEAKER Atlantic Technology System 4200e Speaker.............$1050 Canton CD 3500 Main / Stereo Speaker.............. .....$1100 Aperion Audio Intimus 633 Concert XD System........$1200 2 JBL PRX518S (18 Self Powered Subwoofer System)....$720 Yamaha YSP-1100 Main / Stereo Speaker.............. .$850 Bose 901 VI Main / Stereo Speaker.................... .....$800 Klipsch LA SCALA Main / Stereo Speaker...............$1000 Paradigm Titan Main / Stereo Speaker............. ........$1100 Defin itive BP7001SC Main / Stereo Speaker............$1150 KEF Audio KHT5005.2 System................... ...........$1200 Re vel F52 Main / Stereo Speaker...........................$2, 200 B-52 MATRIX-2000 THREE PIECE POWERED SPEAKER SYSTEM $1, 500 INTERESTED BUYERS SHOULD CONTACT US ON : EMAIL phonestogoltd@hotmai CHAT WITH US ON MSN MESSENGER : or CHAT WITH US ON YAHOO MESSENGER : You can Also Call : +27720309066

Anuncio ID: #421624
Postado em: 27-01-2009
Ver todos os anúncio de buy4lessltd1


  • Tipo de entrega:
    A la Compra
  • Status do Item:
    Excelente estado
500.00 €
