Latest Apple iphone 4g 32gb=====$300usd
TELCOMA LIMITED is a professional and influential supplier. Specifically, we can supply Mobile phones (GSM and CDMA), Video Games Apple Ipods and Iphones. (Introducing the latest APPLE IPHONE 4G 32GB) , HTC, Digital camera, laptops musical instrument/DJ Equipments such DJ Mixers, DJ Turn Tables, Sampler, Speakers, Keyboards E.t.c. =================== ==================== ==================== == Introducing the latest Apple Iphone 4G 32GB Now RELEASED. The phones are brand new, 100% UNLOCKED and can be used with any SIM card. No activation required.Insert Your SIM CARD and start using the phone. Made By Apple California. Apple iPhone 4 IS HERE (FACTORY UNLOCKED) In the box iPhone 4 Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic Dock Connector to USB Cable USB Power Adapter Documentation ============ ==================== ==================== ========= Apple iPhone 3g 8gb==============$150usd Apple iPhone 3g 16gb=============$180usd Apple iPhone 3gs 32gb============$200usd Lat est Apple iPhone 4g 16gb======$250usd L atest Apple iPhone 4g 32gb======$300usd And many more.... ==================== ==================== ==================== = PROMO PROMO PROMO BUY 3 UNITS AND GET 1 UNIT FREE + FREE SHIPPING ============================= ==================== ============ We ship and deliver to you within 2days of purchase through Fedex, UPS, DHL. Interested buyers can contact Us direct via: Email:telcomaltd inquiry.telcom@gmail.c om sky pe:inquiry.telcom CONTACT TEL #??.+447 0359 79837 Website:www.telcomaticlt Thank you and god bless you as you patronize us. Latest Apple iphone 4g 32gb=====$300usd
Anuncio ID: #658368
Publicado el: 11-08-2010
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- Tipo de venta:A la Compra
- Estado:Excelente