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Nikon D700, Apple Iphone 3GS 32GB, Nokia N97 32GB
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Welcome to Khanmobiles, the Home of telecommunication and digital Gadgets. We specialise in the sale of mobile phones, digital cameras and computer laptops which are purchased in bulks directly from the manufacturers with a guarranteed and certified one year warranty with an option of 30 days return policy in case of faulty or malfunction of any of the device sold at a time. Below is our company email address in case you want to place your order with us today for 1005 satisfaction... EM AIL OR khanmobilestore@hotma YOU CAN CHAT WITH US ON OUR YAHOO MESSENGER for more info on our products and services. Below are some of our company items available for sale with thier prices at a whole sale prices: MOBILE PHONES: =============== UNLOCKED APPLE IPHONE 3GS 32GB UNLOCKED APPLE IPHONE 3GS 16GB UNLOCKED APPLE IPHONE 3G 16GB UNLOCKED APPLE IPHONE 32GB UNLOCKED HTC TOUCH DIAMOND UNLOCKED BLACKBERRY BOLD 900 UNLOCKED BLACKBERRY STORM UNLOCKED NOKIA N97 32GB UNLOCKED NOKIA N96 16GB UNLOCKED NOKIA N95 COMMUNICATOR UNLOCKED SAMSUNG OMNIA I900 UNLOCKED SONY ERICSSON EXPERIA UNLOCKED HTC G WHITE APPLE LAPTOPS: ============== Apple MacBook (MA700LL/A) Mac Notebook.. Apple MacBook Pro (MA611LL/A) Notebook.. Apple MacBook (MA254LL/A) Mac Notebook.. Apple iBook G3 (M7698LL/A) Mac Notebook.. Apple MacBook Pro (MA609LL/A) Notebook.. NIKON CAMERAS: =========== === NEW NIKON D700 NEW NIKON D 300 NEW NIKON D80 NEW NIKON D90 NEW NIKON D60 Nikon 3DX For more enquiries please do contact us via email at OR khanmobilestore@hotmail.comso we can attend to your needs as soon as possible. RAHMADAN KARIM PROMO RAHMADAN SPECIAL PROMOPROMO You can now get a free item for every three items purchased from our company and also two items for every five items bought from our company. We are only here to ensure that our customers get the very best of items and services at all times we will always serve you all right and better. MASALLAM
Tipo de venta: A la Compra
Estado: Excelente
Estado: Excelente