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En Venta:Apple iPhone 4G 32GB /Nokia N8/Blackberry Bold 9700/Xperia X10....Buy 2 Get 1 Free
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XMAS BONANZAXMAS BONANZAXMAS BONANZAXMAS BONANZA.......BUY 2 GET 1 FREE We sell all kind of unlock phones, laptops, Cameras, plasma tv and all electronics device at affordable price... CONTACT WE ARE CURRENTLY ON PROMO(BUY 2 GET 1 FREE). Apple iPhone 4G HD 32GB......$400usd App le iPhone 4G 16GB.............$350usd A pple Iphone 3GS 32GB........$300usd App le iPhone 3G (16GB)........$250usd Appl e iPhone 3G (8GB).........$150usd Nok ia N8..............$300usd New Nokia N900....$320usd Nokia N97 32GB....$220usd Nokia N96 16GB...$180usd Nokia N95 8GB ....$150usd New Nikon D90 12.3MP DSLR cost $500usd Nikon D3x Digital camera cost $4100 USD Nikon D3S Digital Camera cost $2100 USD Nikon D3000 Digital Camera cost $300 USD Nikon D700 Digital camera cost $1400 USD Nikon D60 Digital camera cost $400 USD Nikon D90 Digital camera cost $550 USD Nikon D300 Digital camera cost $900 USD Canon EOS 5D Mark II 21.1MP Digital DSLR cost $1600usd Canon EOS Rebel XS/1000D cost $600 USD Canon EOS 40D Digital camera cost $700 USD Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D cost $600 USD Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III Digital Camera cost $3500 USD Canon EOS 1D Mark III Digital Camera cost $1900 USD Canon EOS 1D Mark IV Digital Camera cost $3000 USD Canon EOS 30D Digital SLR Camera cost $550 USD HTC EVO 4G...$300usd HTC HERO......$250 HTC Touch Diamante....$200 Black berry Bold 9700.....300$ Sony Xperia X10........$250usd Sony Ericson IDOU......$200usd Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1.....$180usd Tel # :+447024051619 CONTA CT alexphonestore01@yahoo.c om
Tipo de venta: A la Compra
Estado: Excelente
Estado: Excelente